App for analyzer remote control
Mobile app for full emulation of e-Series analyzers (O342e, AC32e, AF22e, CO12e, VOC72e, AS32M, MP101M, MIR 9000e, MIR 9000ASD, MIR 9000P)
Remote control your analyzers, have access to all your documents and update your analyzers software directly from your mobile phone!
- It integrates an embedded web server featuring intuitive navigation by pictograms, offering quick and easy access to the analyzer. Secured (various level of passwords), modern, simple, fast and accessible through any browser, the ENVEA Connect™ user interface allows full remote emulation of the analyzer with simultaneous multichannel viewing and control of the monitor from any PC, tablet or smartphone.
- Alongside the full remote emulation, with the ENVEA Connect™ app, you will be able to download all the documents required for your analyzers operation:
- Quick-Start Guide (QSG),
- Technical Manual
- Metrological Qualification Test Report
- Quality Test Certificate
- Finally, with the ENVEA Connect™ app, you will be able to download and update your analyzer’s software to always have the lastest functionnality.
The ENVEA Connect™ application for iOS and Android is available for free download through secured connexion, here :
The on-board wireless secured high-speed Wi-Fi connection allows the easiest remote access to full operation of the analyzer, without cables and without need of being in front of the instrument. For example, while being behind the analyzer, on the roof of the monitoring station… the operator can quickly and automatically find and interact with nearby analyzers directly from his smartphone, tablet or computer.
The ENVEA Connect™ interface gives a user-friendly multilevel access to the instrument set-up, as well as the status and maintenance parameters. Real-time animated synoptics, auto-diagnostic, control and maintenance data screens can be displayed while the instrument is operating.
Trends data display, view memorized measures over periods of time, instantly receive alarms based on measurements, or remotely control a test sequence.