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ENVEA Tackles the Challenge of Accurately Measuring Biogenic CO2

03. 04. 2025

ENVEA has developed a new tool to calculate potential cost savings by accurately measuring biogenic CO2 in Waste-to-Energy (WtE).   

Biogenic CO2is carbon dioxide released from sources like plants and animals. As part of the natural carbon cycle, it can be deducted from reported emissions leading to savings through carbon credits when WtE falls under the Emissions Trading Scheme in 2028, and any regional carbon tax schemes.   


Jürgen Reinmann, Regulatory Director said, “Measuring biogenic CO2 emissions is essential for complying with regulations and global efforts to reduce carbon dioxide greenhouse gases. Operators often face several challenges in accurately reporting biogenic CO2 emissions, which is why ENVEA has developed a calculator tool to help them estimate potential biogenic CO2 cost savings.”  


The unique calculator is free to use and provides users with an estimate of their potential cost savings. By inputting data including total tonnes of waste per year, currency, market price for biogenic CO2 per tonne and the percentage of biogenic content in the waste, customers can click calculate and the estimated cost savings results will appear instantly.  


The AMESA-B smart sampler is the turn-key solution to accurate biogenic CO2 reporting and to help meet regulations. It eliminates guesswork in carbon dioxide greenhouse monitoring through the flue gas sampling, and fulfils the requirements of EN ISO 13833 standards, resulting in unmatched accuracy and traceability.   


With easy integration into existing systems, it also includes pre- and post-sampling leak checks for precise sample flow and fail-safe oversaturation. It also integrates with the plant’s wider sensor network to ensure precise data collection.  


The cost savings calculator can be accessed here with further information about a free consultation on the AMESA-B available here.   

[ENV-018] Cost Calculator Option 2 V0_2 (1)


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