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DP230 Diamond Point

DP230 Diamond Point

The operating principle for all Hycontrol vibrating probe level switches relies on a piezoelectric crystal used to force a blade to oscillate at its fundamental frequency (sometimes also referred to as the natural resonance). When the blades come into contact with the process medium, this dampens the natural oscillation frequency; the electronics sense the change in frequency which causes the unit to switch.


The DP Series from Hycontrol all operate on this principle; all share the diamond-shaped probe design, preventing product accumulation and promoting self-cleaning. In addition, this product family has several variants that allow precise matching to each application.


If the application requires a more extended insertion, the DP230 allows users to precisely set the insertion length to the length required using a welded pipe between the vibrating probe and the 1½” mounting socket. The maximum insertion length for the DP230 is 2 metres, allowing users a more comprehensive range of level switch options in their process.


The DP230 is suitable for top or angular mounting. Refer to the datasheet in the links below for more information. With minimum maintenance requirements and a strong track record of success, the DP230 is entirely Ground Level Test-enabled, providing users with functionality guarantees and reducing working at height requirements.


  • No moving parts to wear and no maintenance requirements
  • Very strong and robust
  • Unaffected by environmental changes
  • ATEX options
  • Simple to install
  • Measures products from 10 grammes/litre
  • Only sensitive near the probe tip
  • Insertion length up to 2 metres


Standard Length

Up to 2 m

Minimum Product Density

10 gpl

Maximum Temperature

-20ºC to +80ºC

ATEX Option
