Home > Product > DP630



Hycontrol vibrating probes have been designed specifically for use with dry products. Due to their simpler design and lower sensitivity, the DP6 range is best suited to heavier materials such as stones or grains.


DP630 is a simple vibrating probe with a 1-metre insertion length. The DP630 has a single solid stainless steel rod which is vibrated by the piezoelectric element. The small size of the device means it is ideal for use in small hoppers containing granular materials or pellets, such as plastics, food or grain. Still, the circular construction of the DP630 means that it is not as sensitive to light materials. The DP630 should only be used on materials which have a bulk density greater than 20 grammes per litre.


The DP630 is unaffected by any changes in the environment around it and is very simple to fit and set up.


The vibrating probe only sensitive near its tip, meaning build-up on the silo walls will not influence its level-detecting ability.


  • No moving parts to wear
  • No maintenance required
  • Very strong and robust
  • Unaffected by environmental changes
  • ATEX pending
  • Simple to install
  • Measures products from 20
  • grammes/litre
  • Only sensitive near the probe tip


Standard Length

1 m

Minimum Product Density

20 gpl

Maximum Temperature

-20ºC to +80ºC

ATEX Option
