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Continuous monitoring of Biogenic CO₂ emissions

Biogenic or carbon-neutral stack CO2 gas can be deductible from any company’s greenhouse gas inventory which is required for reporting under various regulations.


Part of waste-to-energy conversion can be considered renewable, due to the presence of organic compounds in incinerated waste. The question is therefore how much of this is biogenic CO2, and therefore what is the real carbon footprint of the heat or electricity produced by waste incineration or RDF plants. Previously estimated, this share can now be accurately measured thanks to AMESA-B, based on the principle of carbon-14 dating.


By differentiating between biogenic and fossil carbon dioxide, the company can quantify its actual greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint.


Allows measuring the share of fossil and biogenic CO2 (in %) as well as the quantity of fossil CO2 emissions (tons/year)


The AMESA-B uses a CO2 sampling method on an adsorber cartridge filled with Ascarite or soda lime, to determine the biogenic fraction of CO2 emissions.
  • Sampling period between several hours and 1 month
  • Allows to determine the ratio of biogenic and fossil-derived CO2 by C14 dating measurement


Applicable to waste-to-energy, electricity generation, coal co-firing, steel, cement and lime processes to quantify their biogenic CO2 emissions as CO2 neutral, for regulatory compliance:
  • Cost savings for operator
  • CO2 emission trading
  • Helps governments demonstrate green energy policy