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Mercury Sorbent Trap System


Meets the US EPA Performances Standard 12 B mentioned in the US Portland Cement Rules and the new MATS (Mercury and Air Toxics Standards).


More than 25 years of experience in continuous sampling of Dioxins and Furans (PCDD/PCDF) with the MCERTs & TÜV certified AMESA system, have benefited to the design of the of the continuous mercury sampler AMESA-M.


  • Mercury emission monitoring by sorbent traps is a good and practical alternative to conventional Hg CEMS with the following features and advantages:
  • First part in which the sampled flue gas is coming into contact is the trap therefore no risk of losses in sampling probe and sampling line
  • Low maintenance
  • Paired sorbent traps for quality assurance purposes
  • Suitable independant from the mercury concentrations. Limit of detection can be influenced by correct selection of the sample gas flowrate and the sampling period
  • Availability > 95 %
  • No negative bias due to e.g. saturated gold trap or Hg+ converter like it can happen with a Hg-CEMS
  • Sorbent Trap Monitoring System (STMS according to US-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) performance standard 12B
  • Extracts a part of the flue-gas through a heated sampling probe
  • Sampling of mercury on paired sorbent traps (for QA purposes, as required by regulations)
  • Fully automatic sampling between 30 minutes and 4 weeks
  • Storage of operating data protocol
  • The AMESA-M system has a fully functional HMI at the probe
  • All system parts are installed in an IP54 enclosure (wall-mounted / cabinet version)


  • Household waste incinerators and special waste
  • Cogeneration, gas turbines
  • Industrial boilers and furnaces
  • Power generation and combustion plants
  • Chemical & petrochemical plants
  • Cement plants


Measuring range: (total mercury)

0.01 – 1000μg/m3

Sampling period:

from 15 minutes up to 4 weeks

Flue gas temperature:

200˚C on request

Max. dust concentration in flue gas:

20 mg/m3

Operating temperature:

+5 to +40˚C (optional with air conditioner: -20 to + 55˚C)

Max. relative humidity (control cabinet):


Control cycle volume-proportional extraction:

1 sec

Accuracy flue gas velocity measurement:

±1% of the full scale value

Volume measurement accuracy:

±1.5 % of the measuring range end value

Cabinet housing:

Dimension: (H×W×D) 1850 × 600 × 500mm, Weight: approx. 160kg, Number of heating circuits: 5 max., 2× probe, 3× heated sample gas line

Wall-mounted housing

Dimension: (H×W×D) 1000 × 800 × 300mm, Weight: approx. 70kg, Number of heating circuits: 3 max, 2× probe, 1× heated sample gas line


230VAC, 50Hz (optionally 115V, 50/60Hz)

Consumption (without heating circuits):

approx. 0.85kW



Instrument air (for optional Pitot tube):

3 to 7 bar, dry and oil-free

Instrument air connection:

hose connection 8×1 or 6×1mm