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Multiplexing CEMS Management System

MVS 2M is a multichannel system allowing to distribute two, three or four channels of fluids and signals to a gas monitoring system (GMS).


Its function is to link the GMS with the sampling systems for gas and span gas, and to allow the redundancy function.


Available in 2 versions:

  • MVS 2M heated, to be used with HOFI sampling system and MIR 9000H / MIR FT / Graphite 52M gas monitors
  • MVS 2M non-heated, to be used with SEC sampling system and MIR 9000 / MIR 9000CLD / MIR IS monitors


For stacks, the sampling is carried out using the HOFI boxes (MVS 2M – heated version) or the SEC probes (MVS 2M – not-heated version). Other sampling systems are possible on request. The redundancy functions are only ensured for the sampling boxes, DTP (flow-temperature-pressure) function included. All other measurements (dust, mercury, etc.) are not taken into account by the MVS 2M.
  • Data communication and control functions are ensured by Ethernet, serial link or dry contact
  • No influence from the pressure
  • Back-up of RAM memorized data and real time clock
  • Interactive menu-driven software with LCD display allowing ease of operation
  • All the ENVEA’s gas sampling systems can be used with dry or heated MVS multiplexing solutions (2 to 4 channels)
  • Over 1,000 installations worldwide, covering many applications and industries


Available in 2 versions:



  • MVS 2M heated, to be used with HOFI sampling system and MIR 9000H / MIR FT / Graphite 52 M gas monitors
  • MVS 2M non-heated, to be used with SEC sampling system and MIR 9000 / MIR 9000CLD / MIR IS monitors


MVS 2M supplies GMS with measurement gas exclusively through one channel, or sequentially through two, three or four channels.


This equipment is slave of the Central Control Desk (PCC), even if it is possible to manually control MVS 2M from LCD screen mounted on the front panel.


  • Cogeneration, Gas Turbines
  • Industrial Boilers
  • Furnaces
  • Power & Combustion
  • Cement plants
  • Incinerators…


Pre ventilation of gas sample or bleeding air

Heated version: 100-200 l/h

Unheated version: 15-30 l/h

Compressed air pressure

Heated version: 5.5 bar mini

Unheated version: N/A

Compressed air consumption

Heated version: 0.5 to 1 m3/h

Unheated version: N/A

Electric consumption

Heated version: 700 W (2 channels) / 1000 W (3 channels), 1300 W (4 channels) + 110 W per meter of heated line

Unheated version: 150W

Communication port

RS232/RS422, Ethernet

Operating temperature

+5°C to +40°C

Working temperature

Heated version:  180°C

Unheated version: ambient T°

Alarm checking

Heated version: Permanent: display or bargraphs indication with WEX software, Thermal alarms: alarms T°C 175°C — 190°C alarms T°C,

Unheated version: Permanent: display or bargraphs indication with WEX software


Heated version: Built-in, heated

Unheated version: N/A

Dimension (DxWxH)

Heated version: 300x632x847 mm

Unheated version: 200x400x600 mm

Weight (kg)

Heated version: 15 Kg

Unheated version: 10 Kg